Title IX
Triton College is committed to creating and maintaining a positive learning environment for our community; students, faculty, staff and visitors to our campus.
In support of this goal, we are committed to sustaining a learning environment that is free from sexual harassment, including dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, forcible fondling, incest, rape, sexual assault with an object, sex-based threats, bullying on the basis of sex, stalking, retaliation, and other sexual harassment and misconduct. Triton College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs and activities it operates. Triton College strongly encourages individuals to report these acts in efforts to maintain a safe and productive environment for all members of our community.
Title IX
Title IX is a civil rights law passed in 1972, which prohibits gender discrimination in educational settings that receive federal funding. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual misconduct and other sex-based conduct violations are all considered discrimination, regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotypes, sex characteristics of the reporting party. Issues may relate to, but are not limited to:
- Sex or Gender-based Discrimination
- Students experiencing discrimination
- Discrimination in Athletics
- Discrimination due to Pregnancy and Parenting
- Discrimination against students identifying as transgender or gender-nonconforming
Triton College and Title IX
In accordance with Title IX of the U.S. Department of Education’s Education Amendment of 1972, Triton College reaffirms its commitment to affirmative action and offers equal employment and educational opportunities, including career and technical education opportunities, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, veteran status, age, or any other basis which is protected by law except where such characteristics are bonafide occupational requirements.
Title IX and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released revised Title IX regulations, effective August 1, 2024. Under the 2024 Title IX regulations, “A recipient (school) with knowledge of conduct that may reasonably constitute sex discrimination in its program or activity must respond promptly and effectively.”
Responsibilities and Rights
Responsibilities of the Parties and Witnesses
Rights of the Parties and Witnesses
Title IX Coordinators
When the respondent is an employee, report to:
Joe Klinger
AVP, Human Resources
Title IX Coordinator
Triton College, Room P-105
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3743
When the respondent is a student, report to:
Julia Willis
Dean of Students
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Triton College, Room B-250A
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3865
Section 504 (of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) prohibits discrimination based on a disability:
Dominique Dial
Center for Access and Accommodative Services
Triton College
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3853
Role of Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator is the individual who has been designated by the College to oversee compliance with federal requirements under Title IX. This includes all duties associated with effectively responding to allegations of sexual violence, ensuring annual training campus-wide, and the provision of educational opportunities and prevention efforts for the campus community. The Title IX Coordinator has no "side" during the investigation and serves as a resource for both the complainant and the respondent.
Confidential Reporting
If a complainant does not wish for an investigation to take place, or does not want any form of resolution to be pursued, they may make such a request to a Title IX Coordinator who will evaluate that request in light of the duty to ensure the safety of the campus and comply with federal law.
Information reported and compiled in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act lists only the date of the incident, time of the incident, location where the incident occurred, a brief and vague description of the type of incident, and a disposition of the actions taken by Triton College Police Department.
Personally identifiable information may reside in the reports made by Triton College’s Police Department or in reports made to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator and are not for public view. In cases indicating a pattern, predation, threat, weapons, and/or violence, Triton College is not likely able to honor a request for confidentiality. In other cases, where circumstances allow the College to honor a request for confidentiality, the College will offer resources and supportive measures to the complainant but will not otherwise pursue formal action. A complainant has the right to have and can expect Triton College to take formal reports seriously and to have those incidents investigated and properly resolved through these procedures.
Formal reporting still affords some level of privacy to the Reporting Party; therefore, only a small group of officials who need to know will be informed. The circle of people with this knowledge will be kept as narrow as possible to preserve both parties' rights and privacy but may include, as necessary, investigators, witnesses, and the respondent.
Limitations of Confidentiality
Triton College will make every reasonable effort to preserve an individual's privacy and protect the privacy of information when requested. Reports will be treated confidentially to the extent permitted by the College's Title IX reporting requirements and need to investigate and resolve the reported problem.
Confidential Advisors
A Confidential Advisor is a designated Triton College employee trained to provide ongoing support to student survivors of domestic and dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking or, an employee whose communications are privileged or confidential under Federal or State law. Confidential Advisors will maintain confidentiality except in extreme cases of immediate threat or danger to self or others or suspected abuse of a minor. Confidential reporters will submit timely, anonymous, aggregate statistical information for Clery purposes unless they believe it would be harmful to a specific employee or student.
Designated Confidential Advisors
Sandra Berryhill, MS
(708) 456-0300 ext. 3369
Leslie Wester, MA, LCPC
(708) 456-0300 ext. 3484
Tracy Wright, MA, LCPC
(708) 456-0300, ext. 3609
If a Confidential Advisor determines that Title IX may apply, the Confidential Advisor will provide you with the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information. The Title IX Coordinator may be able to offer and coordinate supportive measures, as well as initiate an informal resolution process or an investigation under the grievance procedures.
Duty to Report
All College employees have a duty to report conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination, including acts of dating violence, domestic violence, harassment, threats, and bullying on the basis of sex, retaliation, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and stalking, unless they fall under the "Confidential Reporting" section above.
Because employees are required reporters, complainants may want to consider whether they share personally identifiable details with College employees, as those details must be shared with the Title IX or Deputy Title IX Coordinators. Employees must share all details of the reports, including the name of the complainant and respondent, if known.
Failure of a required reporter, as described in this section, to report Title IX conduct is a violation of College policy and subject to disciplinary action. As soon as a required reporter has been notified of an incident, they should provide a report to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator to ensure supportive measures and academic accommodations can be provided as quickly as possible. Supervisors of required reporters shall not create additional processes within a department nor investigate a complaint before reporting to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator.
Required reporters can access and submit their Incident Reporting Form at Title IX Report.
When a student (or any person acting on their behalf) informs any employee (including confidential employees) of their pregnancy or pregnancy related condition, the employee must promptly provide that person with the Title IX Coordinator's contact information and inform them that the Title IX Coordinator can take specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure equal access.
Filing a Report
Any Triton College student (or parent, guardian, or legal representative) or employee (or legal representative), Title IX Coordinator, or person other than a student or employee who is participating in an educational program or activity at Triton College may initiate a Title IX report.
Click here to view the Title IX Reporting Structure outline.
Supportive Measures
Individualized services reasonably available and appropriate that are non-punitive, non-disciplinary, and not unreasonably burdensome to the other party while designed to ensure equal educational access, protect safety, or deter sexual harassment. Supportive measures must be offered with or without a formal complaint. Supportive measures may be requested verbally or in writing by the complainant or the respondent, or the College can initiate the supportive measures in the absence of a request at any time during the process.
Supportive measures may include and if reasonably available:
Supportive Measures
*For assistance in filing an Order of Protection, click on Counseling and Support Services / Resources on the side bar and contact one of the listed agencies.
If requested by the complainant or respondent, and if reasonably available, the College may assist the complainant and respondent in:
Additional Supportive Assistance
Supportive measures may be implemented at any time, even if originally declined.
Supportive Measures in the Event of No Investigation:
Even if the College decides not to confront the respondent because of the complainant’s request for confidentiality, the Title IX Coordinator will still offer supportive measures to limit the effects of the alleged harassment.
Assessment of a Complaint
Upon notice of allegations regarding Prohibited Conduct, the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator will assess whether a formal Title IX Investigation will be conducted under this policy- that is, whether the complaint(s), if true, rise to the level of Prohibited Conduct and, if so, whether a formal investigation is appropriate under the circumstances.
If no further action is required (based on the dismissal standards under Title IX), the complainant will be provided a General Outcome Letter, which will include the reasons for the dismissal.
The level of control the college has over the respondent will determine if an investigation is possible. If Triton College cannot take direct action against an individual, the college would not be able to investigate but would provide resources and supportive measures.
For every report of an alleged violation of the Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct Policy that will be considered for investigation, the Title IX or Deputy Title IX Coordinator will make an initial review. The initial review will consider the nature of the report and the safety of all parties and of the campus community.
A decision will be made about appropriate next steps with the assistance of the investigator(s) and decision-maker(s). Each resolution process will provide a prompt, fair, and impartial investigation and resolution, organized through the respective Title IX Coordinator.
Investigation Process
1. Assigning an Investigator
2. Notice of Investigation
3. Opportunity to Participate
4. Evidentiary Determination
5. Investigator Review
6. Resolution Process
7. Investigation Outcome
8. Outcome Appeal
Both parties may have an advisor of choice (i.e. friend, family member, attorney, advocate) accompany them through the investigative and resolution process. An advisor of choice may not speak for the student or employee, unless providing cross-examination during a live hearing.
The College strives to avoid any conflict of interest or bias on the part of any individual responsible for investigating and/or resolving alleged misconduct. Any party who wishes to express concerns about a conflict of interest or bias should notify the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator in writing. In instances where a conflict of interest or perceived bias on the part of the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator occurs, the notification should be made in writing to the Vice President of Business Services or Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.
Time frame of a Title IX Investigation
Triton College will respond to reports of sexual misconduct allegations within twenty-four (24) hours of initial report filed. Requests for a review of a Title IX complaint that occurred more than 180 calendar days must submit a request to the Title IX Coordinator in writing at joeklinger@record-room.com.
Students have the right to engage in a Hearing Resolution process that is prompt and equitable. A Title IX Investigation should normally be completed within sixty (60) business days after the College has notice of an allegation of Prohibited Conduct. The Title IX Coordinator may extend this time frame for good cause, including College breaks. After the investigation is complete, the Resolution Process should normally be completed within 30 business days.
Prohibited Conduct
Dating Violence
Domestic Violence
Sexual Assault
Sexual Misconduct
Sexual Exploitation
Sexual Harassment
Harassment, Threats, and Bullying on the basis of sex
Counseling and Support Services/Resources
Triton College Counseling Department:
(708) 456-0300, ext. 3588
Triton College Counseling Department
Student/Employee Assistance Program:
Perspectives, (866) 866-7556
Employee Assistance
Username: TRI501
Student Assistance
Username: TRI004
Password: perspectives
Nearest Medical Facility:
Gottlieb Memorial Hospital
701 W. North Avenue
Melrose Park, IL 60160
(708) 681-3200
Domestic and Sexual Violence Resources
Sarah’s Inn Domestic Violence Agency (English/Spanish)
24-hour domestic violence hotline, individual and group counseling, legal advocacy, and Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP)
24-hour crisis line: (708) 386-4225
Text line: (708) 792-3120
Pillars Community Health (English/Spanish/Arabic)
Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivor Services / Constance Morris House Emergency Shelter
24-hour domestic violence and sexual violence hotlines, domestic violence emergency shelter, case management, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, and individual, family, and group therapy
24-hour crisis line: (708) 485-5254
Mujeres Latinas En Accion (English/Spanish/Portuguese)
Empowering Latinas through Service and Advocacy Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivor Service
24-hour domestic violence hotline, legal advocacy, individual and group counseling for children and adults, and medical advocacy
24-hour crisis line: (312) 738-5358
Arab American Family Services (English/Spanish/Arabic)
Domestic Violence Survivor Services
24-hour domestic violence hotline, case management, individual counseling for children and adults, and legal advocacy
24-hour crisis line: (708) 945-7600
Triton College Police Department
Building N, Room 206
24-hours/day, 7-days/week
708-456-6911 (dial 11 from any Triton extension)
TDD: (708) 452-8115
Non-emergency: tcpd@record-room.com
Free Legal Assistance Related to Domestic Violence
IL Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights: http://www.icirr.org/ – ICIRR (312) 332-7360
Greater Chicago Legal Clinic: http://www.gclclaw.org/
Legal Aid Chicago: http://www.legalaidchicago.org/
Documentation of legal right to be in the country is not required for victims to obtain an Order of Protection or to request criminal charges against an abuser.
Illinois Compensation Programs
The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Program provides direct financial assistance to innocent victims of violent crime to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses related to the crime.
Pregnant and Parenting Student Rights: Title IX
Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex — including pregnancy, parenting, and all related conditions in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding. If you are a pregnant or parenting student, you have the right to stay in school so you can meet your education and career goals.
Title IX - Pregnancy FAQs
How can I use Title IX to ensure that my pregnancy or family responsibilities do not interfere with my education?
Do my professors have to excuse my absences due to pregnancy, childbirth or abortion?
What if my professors says their absence/makeup policy applies regardless of any medical condition?
Does Triton College need to provide me with special academic/support services, like tutoring?
If my program requires internships, career rotations or other off-campus elements, can I be excluded from participation?
What if classmates or professors have made offensive comments to me about my pregnancy?
I would like to take a semester off. Can I keep my student status, scholarships, etc.?
Does Title IX permit excused absences for child care?
Applicable Policies
Related to Students, Faculty & Staff
Affirmative Action
Student Code of Conduct/Triton Trust
Harassment, Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy*
Education and Training
All staff members will receive annual training on:
(i) the College’s obligation to address sex discrimination in its education programs or activities;
(ii) the scope of conduct that constitutes sex discrimination under Title IX, including the definition of sex-based harassment; and
(iii) all applicable notification and information requirements under Title IX.
Further, the Title IX Coordinator, College Police, Mandatory Reports, Confidential Advisors, Decision-Maker(s), Investigator(s), Informal Resolution Facilitator(s), and anyone else involved in responding to, investigating, or adjudicating sex-based discrimination, harassment and misconduct incidents must receive annual education and training on Title IX. The length of the training and specific topics to be covered will be subject to the individual’s role in the Title IX process, but may include training on issues of relevance, including primary prevention, bystander intervention, risk reduction, consent, reporting obligations, how to serve impartially including by avoiding prejudgment of the facts at issue, conflicts of interest and bias, investigation procedures, confidentiality requirements, relevant College policies and procedures, retaliation, the scope of the school’s education programs and activities, the impact of trauma, rape shield protections for complainants, relevant definitions, training on any technology to be used at live hearings, and other pertinent topics.
Student Conduct Trainings:
The following trainings are used in Triton College's harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct grievance process. For more information, contact Julia Willis, Dean of Students/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, at (708) 456-0300 ext. 3865 or juliawillis@record-room.com.
Related Government Departments
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202
(800) 872-5327
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
Chicago Office – 500 W Madison, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661
(800) 421-3481
(312) 730-1560
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20210
(866) 487-2365
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Chicago Office – JCK Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60604
(800) 669-4000
(312) 872-9744