Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Hansen, John | Police | johnhansen@record-room.com | |
Hansen, Kristina | Center for Teaching Excellence | kristinahansen@record-room.com | 3382 |
Haqqani, Syeda | Continuing Education | syedahaqqani@record-room.com | |
Harp, Angela | Assessment Services | angelaharp@record-room.com | 3283 |
Harrington, Eric | CIS/Computer Science | ericharrington@record-room.com | |
Harrington, Joseph | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | josephharrington@record-room.com | |
Hart, Timothy | Continuing Education | timothyhart@record-room.com | |
Haruska, Christopher | Adult Education | christopherharuska@record-room.com | |
Harvey-Lemons, Lynette | Cashier Office | lynetteharvey@record-room.com | 3845 |
Hassan, Veronica | Adult Education | veronicahassan@record-room.com | 3878 |
Hasse, Lisa | English Department | lisahasse@record-room.com | |
Hasso, Jennifer | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | jenniferhasso@record-room.com | |
Hattar, Yousef | Academic Success Center | rezeqhattar@record-room.com | |
Hattier, Robert | Engineering Technology | roberthattier@record-room.com | |
Hawkins, Witt | CIS/Computer Science | witthawkins@record-room.com | |
Haxhillari, Albana | Arts and Sciences | albanahaxhillari@record-room.com | 3959 |
Haxhillari, Breana | Business Services | breanahaxhillari@record-room.com | |
Hayes, Brian | Math | brianhayes@record-room.com | 3964 |
Helms, Victoria | Athletics | victoriahelms@record-room.com | |
Hendry, Robert | CIS/Computer Science | roberthendry@record-room.com | |
Henry, Raqueal | Continuing Education | raquealhenry@record-room.com | |
Henson, Michael | CIS/Computer Science | michaelhenson2@record-room.com | 3354 |
Hernandez, Amaris | Desktop Computing Solutions | amarishernandez@record-room.com | 3870 |
Hernandez, Belen | Purchasing | belenhernandez@record-room.com | 3753 |
Hernandez, Eliana | Staff Services | elianahernandez@record-room.com | |
Hernandez, Fatima | Continuing Education | fatimahernandez@record-room.com | |
Hernandez, Francisco | Operations and Maintenance | franciscohernandez@record-room.com | 3210 |
Hernandez, Madison | Admissions and Records | madisonhernandez@record-room.com | |
Hernandez, Sandra | Presidents Office | sandrahernandez@record-room.com | 3290 |
Hernandez, Yaren | Welcome Center | yarenhernandez@record-room.com | 3950 |
Hernandez, Yoselin | Business Services | yoselinhernandez@record-room.com | |
Hernandez Aguilar, Hector | Athletics | hectorhernandez3@record-room.com | |
Hernandez Rios, Maria | Operations and Maintenance | mariahernandezrios@record-room.com | |
Hernandez-Chavez, Rebecca | Operations and Maintenance | rebeccahernandez-cha@record-room.com | 3212 |
Herrejon Villalobos, Said | Operations and Maintenance | saidherrejonvillalob@record-room.com | 3210 |
Herrera, Marvin | Engineering Technology | marvinherrera@record-room.com | |
Hertko, Allan | Automotive | allanhertko@record-room.com | |
Hesslau, Edward | Continuing Education | edwardhesslau@record-room.com | |
Hibner, Donald | Engineering Technology | donaldhibner@record-room.com | |
Hickey, Laurence | Continuing Education | laurencehickey@record-room.com | |
Hiestand, Nathan | Academic Success Center | nathanhiestand@record-room.com | |
Hilderbrand, Garrick | Continuing Education | garrickhilderbrand@record-room.com | |
Hill, Laura | Health Services | laurahill@record-room.com | 3051 |
Hiller, Geoff | Business | geoffhiller@record-room.com | 3335 |
Hindery, Rachel | Academic Success Center | rachelhindery@record-room.com | |
Hirst, Levi | Athletics | levihirst@record-room.com | |
Hobbs, Sean | Continuing Education | seanhobbs@record-room.com | |
Hodges, Frances | Nursing Assistant | franceshodges@record-room.com | |
Hoffman, LaDonna | Continuing Education | ladonnahoffman@record-room.com | |
Holubek, Dorothy | Marketing | dorothyholubek@record-room.com | 3169 |