Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Benedict, Thomas | Academic Success Center | thomasbenedict@record-room.com | |
Benion, Byron | Dual Credit | byronbenion@record-room.com | |
Benitez, Lauren | Health Sport and Exercise Science | laurencamps@record-room.com | 3826 |
Benitez, Milton | Health Sport and Exercise Science | miltonbenitez@record-room.com | |
Bennett, Matthew | Dual Credit | matthewbennett@record-room.com | |
Benson, Kenneth | Horticulture | kennethbenson@record-room.com | 630-292-5366 |
Benson, Erica | Continuing Education | ericabenson@record-room.com | |
Berger, Valarie | Dual Credit | ||
Bergholz, Katherine | Visual Communication/Graphics | katherinebergholz@record-room.com | |
Berglind, Joseph | Student Affairs | josephberglind@record-room.com | 3341 |
Berhane, Connie | Nursing | connieberhane@record-room.com | |
Berman, Claudia | Continuing Education | claudiaberman@record-room.com | |
Bernal, Erika | Nursing | erikabernal@record-room.com | |
Berndt, Yolanda | Continuing Education | yolandaberndt@record-room.com | |
Bernstein, Arnie | English Department | arniebernstein@record-room.com | |
Bernthal, David | Dual Credit | davidbernthal@record-room.com | |
Berryhill, Sandra | Counseling | sandraberryhill@record-room.com | |
Bertagna, Denise | Nuclear Medicine | denisebertagna@record-room.com | |
Betancourt, Melody | Police | melodybetancourt@record-room.com | 3570 |
Betancourt, Lynette | Athletics | lynettebetancourt@record-room.com | |
Beuchel, Joseph | Science | josephbeuchel@record-room.com | 3004 |
Bhimani, Zeeshan | Hospitality Industry Administration | zeeshanbhimani@record-room.com | |
Bilbao-Romero, Jasmine | Hospitality Industry Administration | jasminebilbao@record-room.com | |
Billington, Craig | Biology | craigbillington@record-room.com | |
Bittan, Jolita | Arts and Sciences | jolitabittan@record-room.com | 3029 |
Bizzle, Jeramie | Enrollment Services | jeramiebizzle@record-room.com | 4112 |
Black, Ruth | Academic Success Center | ruthblack@record-room.com | 3341 |
Blacker, Jayne | College Readiness | jayneblacker@record-room.com | |
Blair, Lajuan | Operations & Maintenance | lajuanblair@record-room.com | 3210 |
Blameuser, Shannon | Information Technology | shannonblameuser@record-room.com | 3438 |
Bland, Robert | Continuing Education | robertbland@record-room.com | 3500 |
Blaylock, Andrea | Engineering Technology | andreablaylock@record-room.com | 3507 |
Blaylock, Simone | Continuing Education | simoneblaylock@record-room.com | |
Boldrey, Susan | Adult Education | susanboldrey@record-room.com | |
Bonarek, Rebecca | Continuing Education | rebeccabonarek@record-room.com | |
Bond, Kimberley | Continuing Education | kimberleybond@record-room.com | |
Bonds, Robert | Visual Communication/Graphics | robertbonds@record-room.com | |
Booker, Thomas | Operations & Maintenance | thomasbooker@record-room.com | 3210 |
Boonprasarn, Timothy | Desktop Computing Solutions | timothyboonprasarn@record-room.com | |
Borchek, Jennifer | Academic Success Center | jenniferborchek@record-room.com | |
Borg-Poggi, Marybeth | Police | marybethborg@record-room.com | 3206 |
Borowiak, Donna | Continuing Education | donnaborowiak@record-room.com | |
Bosy, Peter | Visual Communication/Graphics | peterbosy@record-room.com | |
Bowen, David | Math | davidbowen@record-room.com | 3345 |
Bowling, Sandra | Nursing Assistant | sandrabowling@record-room.com | 3767 |
Brady-Mackins, Cynthia | Social Science | cynthiabrady-mackins@record-room.com | |
Braglia, Frances | Scheduling | franbraglia@record-room.com | 3814 |
Brantley, Patricia | Career Services | patriciabrantley@record-room.com | 3151 |
Bratkovskiy, Marta | Continuing Education | martabratkovskiy@record-room.com | |
Bravo Flores, Gloria | Operations & Maintenance | gloriabravoflores@record-room.com | 3210 |