Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Velazquez, Jose | College Readiness | josevelazquez2@record-room.com | |
Vicari, Enza | Continuing Education | enzavicari@record-room.com | |
Vicari, Robert | Police | robertvicari@record-room.com | |
Victoria, Tanya | Adult Education | tanyavictoria@record-room.com | |
Vigil, Maria | Center for Access and Accommodative Services | mariavigil@record-room.com | 3917 |
Villasenor, Norma | Adult Education | normavillasenor@record-room.com | 3806 |
Vindell, Leonardo | Athletics | leonardovindell@record-room.com | |
Vinseck, David | Network Services | davidvinseck@record-room.com | 3794 |
Viscariello, Anthony | Operations and Maintenance | anthonyviscariello@record-room.com | |
Vitulli, Helene | Operations and Maintenance | helenevitulli@record-room.com | |
Vo, Nina | Advising | ninavo@record-room.com | 3148 |
Volk, Timothy | Health Sport and Exercise Science | timothyvolk@record-room.com | |
Vytrykush, Bozhena | Adult Education | bozhenavytrykush@record-room.com | |
Wagner, Laura | Center for Teaching Excellence | laurawagner@record-room.com | 3371 |
Walls, LaTanya | Financial Aid | latanyawalls@record-room.com | 3531 |
Walsh, Brendan | Continuing Education | brendanwalsh@record-room.com | |
Walsh, Diane | Criminal Justice | dianewalsh@record-room.com | |
Walsh, Timothy | Emergency Medical Technician | timothywalsh2@record-room.com | |
Wand, Jennifer | Business | jenniferwand@record-room.com | |
Wardisiani, Grace | Arts and Sciences | gracewardisiani@record-room.com | |
Washington, Calvin | Business | calvinwashington@record-room.com | 3654 |
Watkins, Brenda | Presidents Office | brendawatkins@record-room.com | 3291 |
Weber, Bridget | Continuing Education | bridgetweber@record-room.com | |
Webster, Kristin | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | kristinwebster@record-room.com | |
Weible, Arturs | Continuing Education | artursweible@record-room.com | |
Weinstock, Austin | Police | austinweinstock@record-room.com | 3057 |
Wente, Susan | Assessment Services | susanwente@record-room.com | |
Werner, Sandra | Advising | sandrawerner@record-room.com | 3033 |
Wester, Leslie | Counseling | lesliewester@record-room.com | 3484 |
Whalen-Musil, Julia | Behavioral Science | juliawhalen-musil@record-room.com | |
White, Deon | Information Technology | deonwhite@record-room.com | 3953 |
White, Ralph | Continuing Education | ralphwhite@record-room.com | |
White, Richard | Biology | richardwhite@record-room.com | |
Wijas, Kellie | Academic Success Center | kelliewijas@record-room.com | |
Wiley, Charlotte | Child Development Center | charlottewiley@record-room.com | 3668 |
Wilkins, Linda | Programming Services | lindawilkins@record-room.com | 3643 |
Williams, Jahlon | Business and Technology | jahlonwilliams@record-room.com | |
Willis, Julia | Student Services | juliawillis@record-room.com | 3865 |
Wilson, Kali | Continuing Education | kaliwilson@record-room.com | |
Wimberly, Andre | Biology | andrewimberly@record-room.com | |
Wink, Mary | Academic Success Center | marywink@record-room.com | 3176 |
Winston, Andrew | Athletics | andrewwinston@record-room.com | |
Winston, Lashunda | Admissions and Records | lashundawinston@record-room.com | |
Winter, Robert | Continuing Education | robertwinter2@record-room.com | |
Winters, Brendan | Continuing Education | brendanwinters@record-room.com | |
Winters, Martin | Continuing Education | martinwinters@record-room.com | |
Wisniewski, Carl | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | carlwisniewski@record-room.com | |
Witkos, Hubert | Continuing Education | hubertwitkos@record-room.com | |
Wittman, Christin | Academic Success Center | christinwittman@record-room.com | 3850 |
Wittrock, Andrew | Library | andrewwittrock@record-room.com | 3464 |