Faculty/Staff Directory
Phone: (708) 456-0300
Name | Department | Ext | |
Taylor, Lara | Visual Performing and Communication Arts | larataylor@record-room.com | |
Tenard, Sandra | Student Life | sandratenard@record-room.com | |
Terrazas, Alexandria | Early College Programs | alexandriaterrazas@record-room.com | 3496 |
Tharakunnel, Kurian | Research | kuriantharakunnel@record-room.com | 3022 |
Thesen, Scott | CIS/Computer Science | scottthesen@record-room.com | |
Thevalakara, Bency | Business | bencythevalakara@record-room.com | |
Thibodeau, Michelle | Continuing Education | michellethibodeau@record-room.com | |
Thomas, Cameron | Arts and Sciences | cameronthomas@record-room.com | |
Thompson, Thomas | Adult Education | thomasthompson@record-room.com | 3085 |
Thoms, Jonathan | Academic Success Center | jonathanthoms@record-room.com | |
Tiffen, Simon | Academic Success Center | simontiffen@record-room.com | |
Tiwari, Shelley | Center for Teaching Excellence | shelleytiwari@record-room.com | 3761 |
Tkoletz, Courtney | Cashier Office | courtneytkoletz@record-room.com | 3670 |
Tolia, Sam | Marketing | samtolia@record-room.com | 3172 |
Topor, James | Continuing Education | jamestopor@record-room.com | |
Topps, Michael | Continuing Education | michaeltopps@record-room.com | |
Torres, Francisco | Continuing Education | franciscotorres@record-room.com | 3837 |
Torres, Ian | Transfer Center | iantorres@record-room.com | 3704 |
Townsend, Stephanie | Student Services | stephanietownsend@record-room.com | 3795 |
Trankina, Katerina | Visual Communication/Graphics | katerinatrankina@record-room.com | |
Trankina, Vivian | Continuing Education | viviantrankina@record-room.com | |
Trobiani, Angelika | Academic Success Center | angelikatrobiani@record-room.com | |
Troiani, Daniel | Cernan Earth and Space Center | danieltroiani@record-room.com | 3859 |
Truckenbrod, Timothy | Social Science | timothytruckenbrod@record-room.com | |
Tsakanikas, Dimitrios | Marketing | dimitriostsakanikas@record-room.com | 3701 |
Tuesta, Jose | Social Science | josetuesta@record-room.com | |
Turner, Sheldon | Science | sheldonturner@record-room.com | 3312 |
Uddin, Sarder | Biology | sarderuddin@record-room.com | |
Ueltzen, Vanessa | Athletics | vanessaueltzen@record-room.com | |
Unni, Koch | Horticulture | kochunni@record-room.com | |
Urbina, Juan | Student Life | johnnyurbina@record-room.com | 3815 |
Uribe Espin, Manuel | Hospitality Industry Administration | manueluribeespin@record-room.com | 3869 |
Vaiana, Barbara | Continuing Education | barbaravaiana@record-room.com | |
Vaisvila, Ignas | Programming Services | ignasvaisvila@record-room.com | 3682 |
Vale, Karina | Financial Aid | karinavale@record-room.com | 3043 |
Valentin, Kristopher | Continuing Education | kristophervalentin@record-room.com | |
Valentine-Lilly, Charlotte | Continuing Education | charlottevalentine@record-room.com | 3489 |
Valentino, Nora | Business | noravalentino@record-room.com | |
Vanderhoof, Ellen | Adult Education | ellenvanderhoof@record-room.com | |
Vargas Santillan, Pedro | Operations and Maintenance | pedrovargassantillan@record-room.com | 3210 |
Vasquez, Hector | Academic Success Center | hectorvasquez@record-room.com | |
Vatsyk, Vitaliia | Adult Education | vitaliiavatsyk@record-room.com | |
Vazquez, Dulce | Biology | dulcevazquez2@record-room.com | 3314 |
Vazquez, Jesus | Payroll | alexvazquez@record-room.com | 3534 |
Vazquez, Tito | Operations and Maintenance | titovazquez@record-room.com | 3210 |
Vega, Jose | Operations and Maintenance | josevega2@record-room.com | |
Vega, Mario | Operations and Maintenance | mariovega@record-room.com | |
Vega, Olga | Police | olgavega@record-room.com | |
Velasco, Mary | Call Center | maryvelasco@record-room.com | 6206 |
Velasquez, Imelda | Shipping and Receiving | imeldavelasquez@record-room.com |