Olivia Garcia
As an academic advisor at Triton College, Olivia Garcia is dedicated to helping students navigate their educational aspirations. Beyond supporting all students, Garcia specializes in working with undocumented students, providing resources and guidance to help them succeed.
“In this role, we recognize people’s humanities should not be defined by their immigration status,” said Garcia. “It’s always been a passion of mine to help people to not only reach their purpose, but to help them feel like they can thrive. I try to understand their experiences and backgrounds to assist them.”
In Illinois, undocumented students can access state grant funding through the Retention of Illinois Students & Equity (RISE) Act, which allows students to complete an Alternative Application.
Triton College is also working to create an anonymous submissions process for undocumented students to apply for assistance, noted Garcia. She encourages students to contact her directly via email for support.
“We have many resources on our website for students that are undocumented,” she said. “Undocumented students and their families can look over our information from the comfort of their own home. Although there can be fear associated with students disclosing their status, we want them to know they can trust us.”
She emphasized that Triton College is a safe and supportive environment for undocumented students.
“Faculty and staff at Triton care deeply about our students and want them to succeed,” she said.
Undocumented students from anywhere in the state of Illinois can benefit from Triton’s resources, but Garcia’s empathetic approach ensures that all students feel supported.
“We want students to know that if we don’t have an answer for them, we will find one,” said Garcia.
Growing up, Garcia watched her father, a Mexican immigrant, acclimate to life in the United States. As a college student at Iowa State University, Garcia was inspired to enter a career helping others facing similar struggles.
Triton College’s Financial Aid Office is equally committed to supporting undocumented students achieve their educational goals. In addition to advising and guidance, Triton is dedicated to serving all students without discrimination and offer resources, guidance and informed advising to help them navigate their academic journey in a confidential and respectful setting. Triton College also offers a variety of in-school scholarships that do not require a Social Security number or proof of citizenship. All eligible students are encouraged to apply.
For more information, visit http://q4vb.record-room.com/undocumented/ or email Garcia at oliviagarcia@record-room.com.