Transitional English

In conjunction with the State of Illinois and in-district high schools, Triton College is proud to offer Transitional English. Faculty from local high schools and Triton collaborated to develop and offer Transitional English in pursuit of increasing the number of college-ready students. Transitional English courses will take place at area high schools where they can be used as a fourth-year Language Arts class to meet State and local high school graduation requirements. Qualified students at select high schools are able to enroll in Transitional English where they can bolster their reading, writing and critical thinking skills. Upon successfully completing this course, learners will be able to bypass Triton’s English placement test and developmental coursework. Incoming students will be placed into a credit level English course at Triton College, which saves both time and money. This website is meant as a reference for teachers, students, parents, and counselors wishing to learn more about Transitional English. Interested students or parents should contact English faculty, a counselor, or an administrator at their local high school to learn more. High school faculty, administrators, and counselors with questions or looking to partner with Triton College can contact for more information.


Benefits of Transitional English

Student Eligibility Requirements

Guaranteed Placement