Academic Senate
Statement of Purpose
The Triton College Academic Senate is a collegial and professional body established by the Faculty Association, the administration and the Board as the academic committee system of the Faculty Association. It encompasses other elements of the college in order to promote widespread input into academic decisions. It is concerned with building consensus on those issues which relate to teaching and learning. The Senate reports directly to the College President, and, when appropriate, the Vice Presidents. The Senate committees include Academic and Scholastic Standards, Academic Support, Assessment, Campus Quality, Curriculum, Professional Development, Online Education and Teaching, and Student Development.
The Senate is principally an elected body. It is an advisory body that reports directly to the College President. When appropriate, the decisions of the Senate are presented to the Vice President of Academic Affairs/Student Affairs as well as to the President. The Senate generates proposals as well as considers and evaluates recommendations of its standing committees.
The meetings of the Senate are open to the College community. Through the Senate, all faculty, regular and adjunct, have the opportunity to contribute to the Triton educational community. Student leaders are able to voice student concerns and perspectives as well. At the same time, faculty and students can have an ongoing awareness of the issues under consideration College-wide. The Senate serves in this way as a communication vehicle on academic matters.
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedules
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2024-2025
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2023-2024
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2022-2023
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2021-2022
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2020-2021
Triton College Academic Senate Meeting Schedule - AY 2019-2020
Academic Senate Members
Area | Name | Term | Phone Ext. | |
VPCA | Dennis McNamara | 2023-2025 | | 3597 |
VPCA | Salvatore Siriano | 2023-2025 | | 3350 |
Library | Robert Connor | 2024-2026 | | 3697 |
English | Rebecca Fournier | 2023-2025 | | 3227 |
English | Gail Krahenbuhl | 2024-2026 | | 3254 |
Social Science | Elizabeth Collins | 2024-2026 | | 3242 |
Behavioral Science | Ruth Hallongren | 2024-2026 | | 3995 |
CIS, Architecture, COT, REN & Construction Technology | Alec Lisec | 2024-2026 | | 3049 |
Math | Tuan Dean | 2023-2025 | | 3282 |
Math | Selma Mehmedagic | 2023-2025 | | 3963 |
Health, Sport, Exercise Science | Julianne Murphy | 2023-2025 | | 3087 |
Science | Larry Manno | 2023-2025 | | 3003 |
Science | Saadia Khan | 2024-2026 | | 3681 |
Business | Calvin Washington, II | 2024-2026 | | 3654 |
Nursing | Joyce Fritz | 2024-2026 | | 3924 |
Nursing | Enisa Mehmeti | 2024-2026 | | 3769 |
CJA/ENT | Jacqueline Mullany | 2023-2025 | | 3504 |
Auto | Mohsin Habeeb | 2023-2025 | | 3453 |
HIA/HRT | Christopher Clem | 2024-2026 | | 3625 |
Allied Health | Heather Amwoza | 2024-2026 | | 3780 |
Allied Health | John Cody | 2024-2026 | | 3932 |
Counseling | Mary Casey-Incardone | 2024-2026 | | |
Adjunct Faculty | Frank Alvino | 2024-2026 | | |
Senate Chairperson | ||||
--- | Beth Dunn | --- | | 3823 |
EX - OFFICIO | ||||
VP/ Academic Affairs | Dr. Susan Campos | --- | | 3630 |
AVP Academic Innovation and Workforce Education | Paul Jensen | --- | | 3674 |
AVP Human Resources | Joe Klinger | --- | | 3743 |
Dean Representative | Jeanette Bartley | --- | | 3508 |
Dean Representative | Panos Hadjimitsos | --- | | 3395 |
TCSA President | Mark M Kouria | --- | | |
Non-Voting Members | ||||
Operational Assembly | Hilary Meyer | --- | | 3747 |
Classified Employees | Vacant | --- | ||
Mid-Managers | Jason Lemberg | --- | | 3125 |
Academic Assessment Committee
The Academic Assessment Committee, a standing committee of the Academic Senate, is responsible for the development, execution, and support of the college’s student learning assessment activities.
Board Policy for Assessment of Student Learning
Committee Membership (updated Spring 2025):
- Nine (9) Full-Time Faculty Members from the following areas:
- Four (4) from Arts and Sciences
- Two (2) from Business and Technology
- One (1) from Health Careers
- One (1) from Counseling
- One (1) from the Library
- Two (2) Adjunct Faculty Member
- Three (3) Deans or Associate Deans from the following areas:
- One (1) from Arts and Sciences
- One (1) from health Careers
- One (1) from Curriculum and Assessment
Spring 2025 Meeting Schedule:
- Thursday, January 30, 2025 @ 3PM
- Thursday, February 27, 2025 @ 3PM
- Thursday, March 27, 2025 @ 3PM
- Thursday, April 24, 2025 @ 3PM
Larry Manno
(708) 456-0300, X-3003
Assessment Resources
Academic & Scholastic Standards Committee
The Academic and Scholastic Standards Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing and recommending revisions for academic and collegiate standards. Responsibilities include such functions as reviewing and recommending student academic standards, or policies (e.g. withdrawal requirements, probation and dismissal, academic honesty, "I" grades, credit by exam, etc), or academic and scholastic issues which, in the spirit of shared governance, are appropriate for input from this committee.
Chair: One fulltime faculty member who is a member of the Academic Senate
Faculty: Faculty representatives selected from the following areas (including the Chair):
- 4 from Arts and Sciences
- 4 from Business and Technology / Health Career and Public Service
- 1 Counselor
- 1 Academic Advisor
- 1-2 Student representatives from Phi Theta Kappa and/or the Scholars Program
- Administrative representative from Arts and Sciences
- Administrative representative from Business and Technology
- Administrative representative from Health Careers
Meeting Schedule:
Chair: Dennis McNamara
Time: 2 p.m.
Day: First Thursday of the month
Dates: TBD
Place: Zoom
Disposition of items acted on by the Committee:
All recommendations of the Academic and Scholastic Standards Committee will be forwarded to the TCFA and the Academic Senate.
The internal operation of the Academic and Scholastic Standards Committee will be conducted within the framework of the following statements:
I. Meetings
A. The Committee will establish regular meeting days and times.
B. The agenda will be submitted to all members at least one week in advance of the meeting.
C. All meetings will begin promptly and adjourn at the predetermined time.
D. If any member of the Committee is unable to attend, he/she will notify the Chair's office in advance of the meeting.
E. All meetings are open to the college community at large.
II. Action by the Committee
A. A quorum will consist of a majority of the members of the Committee.
B. Only items on the published agenda will be formally acted on by the Committee.
Name | Voting? | Department |
Dennis McNamara | Yes | Faculty, ART and Chair of ASSC |
Frank Alvino | Yes | Faculty, Business and Technology, CIS |
David L. Anderson | Yes | Faculty, Business and Technology, CIS |
David Bowen | Yes | Faculty, Arts and Sciences, MAT |
Tasha Coleman | No | Resource, Records |
Michael Crenshaw | Yes | Associate Dean of Arts and Sciencs |
Roseanne Feltman | Yes | Faculty, Arts and Sciences, MAT |
Joyce Fritz | Yes | Faculty, Health Careers and Public Service Programs |
Panos Hadjimitsos | Yes | Dean of Business and Technology |
Denise Jones | No | Dean of Retention and Student Engagement |
Dorota Krzykowska | Yes | Advising |
Jennifer Linderman | No | Resource, Financial Aid |
Victor McCullum | Yes | Faculty, Arts and Sciences, SOC |
Ty Perkins | Yes | Associate Dean of Health Careers and Public Service Programs |
Kent Randall | Yes | Faculty, Arts and Sciences, SPE |
Carina Santoyo | No | Director of Admissions |
Student Representative | Yes | Seat Open |
Tracy Wright | Yes | Faculty, Counseling |
Ana Zulkoski | Yes | Student, Scholar (will be graduating Spring 2024) |
Academic Support Committee
The Academic Support Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing and recommending means for improving and enhancing the effectiveness of the academic support services of Triton College.
- To study and recommend changes needed in programs, services or policies of academic support programs
- To study and recommend changes needed in programs, services or policies in the Library/Learning Resource Center and Academic Success Center
- To study and recommend changes needed in programs, services, or policies in counseling and advising relating to academic support
Voting Membership:
Chair: The chair of the Academic Support Committee will be a member of Academic Senate, appointed to the chair position by the chair of the Academic Senate. Chair will vote solely to break a tie vote.
Faculty: (Voting membership will be confirmed every semester based upon meeting availability. In cases of conflict, voting membership will be determined by committee seniority.)
- 2-3 faculty members from Arts & Sciences
- 1 faculty member from Business & Technology
- 1 faculty member from Health Career/Public Service Programs
- 1 Librarian and/or Counselor
- 1 Adjunct from any area
- Dean of Academic Success
- Dean of Students
- 1 additional Dean
Non-voting Resources:
- Vice President, Academic Affairs
- Vice President, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
- Member of Information Systems
- Academic Support Area Representatives
Chair: Christopher Clem
Time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Day: Wednesday
Dates: TBD
Place: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Christopher Clem (
College Curriculum Committee
The College Curriculum Committee (CCC) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for course/program review. These responsibilities include:
- Evaluation of credit course offerings and curricula to insure that they:
- Meet the College’s vision, mission core values and objectives and conform to state, accrediting, and licensing body mandates.
- Conform to state, accrediting and licensing body mandates
- Evaluation of proposals for new/revised/withdrawn/reactivated courses or new/revised/inactive/reactivated/withdrawn curricula
- Planning, developing and projecting degree and certificate programs on a long-term basis
The committee consists of 17 voting members representing the following areas:
- Chair (a member of the Academic Senate)
- 10 other full-time faculty representatives from the following areas: 4 from the School of Arts and Sciences, 4 from Career Education representing diverse constituencies, 2 non-teaching faculty (1 Librarian and 1 Counselor)
- 1 adjunct faculty member
- 3 academic deans (Arts & Sciences, Business & Technology, Health Careers & Public Service Programs)
- Dean of Enrollment Services
- A representative for the Vice President of Academic Affairs
The committee also consists of 2 non-voting, resource members representing the following areas:
- A representative from Curriculum & Assessment
- Recording Secretary
College Curriculum Committee
Chair: Julianne Murphy
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Day: Thursday
Dates: February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1
Place: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Technical Review Committee (TRC) - Sub-Committee of the CCC
Chair: Julianne Murphy
Be sure you are signed in to the Portal prior to accessing the Watermark platform.
The TRC and the CCC reviews the online curriculum remotely in the Watermark platform at Go to Faculty Resources > Curriculum > WATERMARK CONNECT, (under Resource Links).
Here you can access all forms. Complete forms, ‘Save’ and ‘Approve’ to send to your chairperson. If submitter and chairperson are the same you will need to ‘Approve’ 2 times to bring into the ‘Deans’ workflow.
Submit ‘Comments’ by the date set in the CCC Dates & Deadlines. This review time is usually the 3rd week of each month.
(1) Spring 2025 College Curriculum Committee Deadlines
Disposition of Items Acted on by the Committee
A copy of all recommendations of the Curriculum Committee are submitted for review to the Academic Senate and to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The recommendations of the Academic Senate, the Vice President for Academic Affairs are submitted to the TCFA as information and to the Board of Trustees for action.
College Curriculum Committee Resources
(2) CCC Handbook - October 2023
For issues related to Watermark platforms, contact Susan Maratto, Curriculum & Assessment Assistant, 708-456-0300 at Ext. 3455 or OR Dr. Julianne Murphy, 708-456-0300 at Ext. 3087 or
College Curriculum Committee Minutes
College Curriculum Committee Contact Information
Julianne Murphy
Committee Chair
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3087
Christina Garcia
Director of Curriculum and Assessment
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3244
Susan Maratto
Curriculum & Assessment Assistant
(708) 456-0300, Ext. 3455
Campus Quality Committee
The Campus Quality is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for reviewing quality of life concerns of Triton students, faculty and staff and recommending solutions that will enhance the quality of life for students, faculty and other Triton employees.
The mission of the Campus Quality Committee is to make recommendations in those areas where a consensus exists on ways to improve the academic, social and physical character of campus life. Campus Quality Committee identifies, analyzes and provides suggested solutions for the challenges and opportunities concerning the quality of campus life for students, faculty and staff. The Campus Quality Committee reports to the Academic Senate.
- To study the need for new physical facilities and for physical plan modifications
- To consider other aspects that affect the ability of Triton faculty and staff to be productive
Committee is comprised of 12 voting members that include the following
- Chair: Faculty member of Academic Senate
- 5 Faculty
- Arts & Sciences
- Business & Technology
- Health Career/Public Service
- Library
- Counseling
- 1 Representative Adjunct Faculty
- 1 Representative from Facilities
- 1 Representative from Information Services/Systems
- 1 Representative from Student Affairs/Academic Affairs
- 1 Representative from Police
- 1 Student Representative
Chair: Alec Lisec
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Day: Wednesday
Dates: TBD
Place: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
For questions regarding Campus Quality, please contact Alec Lisec, Campus Quality Committee Chair,
Alec Lisec (Chair)
Jacqueline Mullany
Christina Brophy
Jennifer Smith
Bill Decker
Jim Ellison
George Lam
Roseann Felton
Geoff Hiller
Shekinah McCullum-Lawrence
Sandra Berryhill
William Justiz
Katherine Deresinski
John Lambrecht
Michael Garrity
Humberto Espino
Hilary Meyer
Austin Weinstock
Journey Manuel
Professional Development Committee
The Professional Development Committee is a standing committee of the Academic Senate specifically responsible for recommending topics and assisting in planning the faculty workshops in the fall and spring, planning professional development opportunities for faculty in partnership with the CTE, and identifying outstanding full-time and adjunct faculty members each year. Responsibilities include – but not limited to:
- Assisting in the design and planning of in-service educational programs for the faculty and professional staff
- Promoting faculty community building
- Recognizing outstanding professional achievements by faculty
The committee will consist of no less than 12 members representing the following areas. Two members will be the coordinator of Outstanding Full-time and Adjunct Faculty Selection subcommittees, and the other voting members, with the exception of the adjunct, have to serve in one of the subcommittees.
- Chair: A member of the Academic Senate
- 1 CTE faculty coordinator
- 2 faculty members from School of Arts and Sciences
- 2 faculty members from Career Education
- 3 additional members from either area
- 1 counselor or librarian
- 1 mid-manager or classified employee
- 1 adjunct faculty member
Chair: TBD
Time: 2 p.m.
Day: Thursday
Dates: TBD
Place: Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
Disposition of items acted upon by the Council:
All recommendations of the Professional Development Committee will be forwarded to the Academic Senate.
The internal operation of the Professional Development Committee will be conducted within the framework of the following procedure statements:
- Meetings
- The Committee will establish regular meeting days and times
- The agenda will be submitted to all members in advance of the meeting
- All meeting will begin promptly and adjourn at the predetermined time
- If any committee member is unable to attend, he/she will notify the Chair in advance of the meeting
- All meetings are open to the community college at large
- Action by the Committee
- A quorum will consist of a majority of the members of the Committee
- Only items on the published agenda will be formally acted upon by the Committee
Voting Members:
- Angela Staunton (Faculty and Chair)
- Joseph Klein (Faculty and Director of Outstanding Full-Time Faculty Award Selection Sub Committee)
- Dr. Richard Chan (Faculty and Director of Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award Selection Sub Committee)
- Jean M. Dugo (Mid-Manager)
- Andrea Blaylock (Faculty)
- Tina Mote (Faculty)
- Sylvia Sztark (Counselor)
- Serpil Caputlu (Faculty)
Non-voting Members:
- Shelley Tiwari (Director of Faculty Development and Student Success)
- Selma Mehmedagic (Faculty)
- Calvin L Washington II (Faculty)
- Hunter Stuckemeyer (Faculty)
- Vacancy
Student Development Committee
A standing committee of the Academic Senate will be appointed for the purpose of developing the campus environment as a means of increasing student success.
The Student Development Committee (SDC) is based upon the premise that the more time and effort students invest in the learning process, the greater will be their growth and achievement, their satisfaction with their education experiences, and their persistence in reaching personal, academic, and career goals.
The committee through a consensus-building process, will work toward the development of a campus environment that promotes frequent faculty and student peer interactions, optimal use and awareness of campus resources and facilities, and opportunities for involvement in student clubs and organizations.
The committee will review educational policy and practices, which impact student involvement in learning, and assess academic support services and co-curricular activities to determine the quality of student involvement. The Student Development Committee (SDC) will present its recommendations to the Academic Senate for final action.
The committee will consist of 11 members representing the following areas
- Chair: A member of the Academic Senate
- 5 full-time Faculty members
- 2 Adjunct Faculty members (one representing Adult Education)
- 2 Student Representatives
- 1 Representative from Enrollment Services (Dean or designee)
- 1 Representative from Student Services (Dean or designee)
Chair: Mary Casey-Incardone
Time: 1 p.m.
Day: Friday
Dates: February 10, March 3, April 14, May 5
Place: Blackboard - Click HERE
Representative | Name | |
Chair (Faculty) | Mary Casey-Incardone | |
Faculty Member | Alpha McMath | |
Faculty Member | Gail Krahenbuhl | |
Faculty Member | Gregory Catena | |
Faculty Member | Cheryl Davis | |
Faculty Member | Sandra Berryhill | |
Faculty Member | Joseph Klein | |
Student | ||
Student | ||
Student | ||
Adjunct Faculty | Samira Sarkes | |
Adjunct Faculty | William Justiz | |
Adult Education Adjunct Faculty | ||
Enrollment Services | ||
Student Services | ||
Action Champion |
Contact us via e-mail:
Online Education and Technology Committee
The Online Education and Technology Committee (OETC) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate. It recognizes that faculty and staff directly involved in online teaching and learning are best equipped to recommend online education policies, procedures, priorities, planning, and implementation practices. Its role is to recommend policies and procedures that contribute to high quality online education at Triton College.
The committee will review and assess existing policies and procedures, offer changes in, and recommend new policies and procedures related to the following:
- Policies and procedures concerning online education
- Faculty development in the area of online teaching and technology
- The acquisition, maintenance, and appropriate use of technology for online education
In addition, the Online Education and Technology Committee (OETC) will review, evaluate, and advise on priorities and strategic policies concerning online education and technology.
- Chair - Faculty member of Academic Senate
- Assistant Vice President Technology & Innovation 6 Full-Time Faculty Representing:
- Arts & Sciences
- Business & Technology
- Health Career/Public Services
- Library and Counseling
- 1 Representative Adjunct Faculty
- 1 Representative from Instructional Technology
- 1 Representative from Information Services/Systems
- 1 Representative from Continuing Education
- 1 Student Representative
All voting members of the Online Education and Technology Committee must be qualified to teach online per Triton College requirements.
Chair: TBD
Time: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Day: Wednesday
Dates: September 6, October 4, November 1, December 6
Place: F-214
The Online Education and Technology Committee meets on a regular basis to consider action items from the previous meeting as well as new items. Requests to place items on the agenda are communicated to the Chair at least one week prior to the meeting date. New business can be introduced and considered when appropriate. Agenda, meeting schedule, and meeting notes are kept and posted on the Online Education and Technology Committee’s site.
The internal operation of the Online Education and Technology Committee will be conducted within the framework of the following statements:
- Meetings
- The Committee will establish regular meeting days and times
- The agenda will be submitted to all members at least one week in advance of the meeting
- All meetings will begin promptly and adjourn at the predetermined time
- If any member of the Committee is unable to attend, they will notify the Chair’s office in advance of the meeting
- All meetings are open to the college community at large
- Action by the Committee
- A quorum will consist of a majority of the members of the Committee
- An affirmative vote of the majority of the members voting is required to recommend approval of a proposal - Abstentions do not count
- All recommendations of the Online Education and Technology Committee will be forwarded to the Academic Senate
Committee Membership:
Assistant Vice President Technology & Innovation:
Humberto Espino
Arts & Sciences:
Joe Beuchel
Pat Knol
Selma Mehmedagic
Business & Technology:
Dr. Daniel Grigoletti
Health Career/Public Services:
Dr. Peter Jaswilko
Library and Counseling:
Adjunct Faculty:
Instructional Technology:
Kristina Hansen
Information Services/Systems:
Jean Dugo
Continuing Education:
Student Representative: